Technology: A Tool for Humans
Technology is one of the greatest markers of human intelligence. The foremost powerful and most supreme invention of man is compassion. It is the most useable and replicable tool in our society. Intelligence is nothing unless it is communicated through compassion. Thus, we arrive at an essential axiom. The foundations of a novel invention is one that is a product of compassionate pursuits. Inventions that are a product of greed are highly volatile to competition and deteriorative to cooperation. Purpose is a major metric for measuring the utility of technology. When we evaluate technology, we can assess its benefits to society based on whether that technology inherits compassionate or greedy ends. Another major metric for measuring the utility of technology is by desire which can be either innovative or exploitive.
Emerging Technology
In today's world, we are witnessing major advances in technology. From cryptocurrency to synthetic intelligence, major businesses are harnessing the power of the Internet to provide the latest and most advanced services to consumers. The burgeoning waves of innovation even outpace the preparedness of humans to adapt to it. Many are falling prey to the mythos of an impending technological doom. Technology should not be developed for it's own sake, yet for value creation. Technology must be purposeful. This means sometimes we may have to suspend our excitement and thrill to understand the implications and repercussions of what we build. We have to assess the market reasons behind technological expansions. Individual and small companies operate according to economies of scale when they produce new innovations and are consequently constrained by fixed costs for production, resources and rent. Cost efficiency portends good business practices as individuals negociate with fixed costs in order to produce quality goods and services. In the domain of mechanized businesses, these companies operate normally under a different financial structure. Most big businesses stimulate technological development using economies of finance which is the use of extended monies and funding made available through unfettered lending for industrial posturing. This financial model is not constrained by fixed cost and in effect is designed to circumvent economies of scale. This is the model which predicates what most dub "runaway production", inflationary expansion, planned obsolesence, quantitative easing, over extension or business cycles. This same structure is what produces that hyper-expansion of technology and computing which promulgates the mythos of human battling a hopeless war against rising machines.