How To Self-Learn

Self learning is the ability to recognize useful content that will assist with personal growth. It is an essential skill to have to build your competencies. Self-learning is also inclusive of exploring your environment for substantive opportunities for self-growth. Subsequently, we can see how this skill directly affects self-worth.

Self-worth is a quantitative process. It is a personal attribute which reinforces your character and your ability to be encouraged to take on advanced tasks in the future. Self-worth is also a direct product of your perpetuality to self-learn. This perpetual process allows you to develop a growth mindset which is essential for learning new tasks. You can produce an additive effect to the constitution of your personal worth when you constantly strive to learn. Naturally endowed skills and talent add an array of uniqueness to society. However, society is not built on mere talent alone. It is the art of the practitioner, the honing of a time-honored skill, that created the printing press and the integrated circuit along with countless other inventions. Moreover, it is the compassion to better the condition of one's fellow man that creates value in society and ultimately creates the self-worth of inventors. Contrary to the uncanny confidence endowed with giftedness or talent, competence is quantitively gained by the practition of measurable trials and errors. Be wary of the misleading implications of luck or misfortune. Attack new problems with sapient tenacity. Self-learning is the stuff mindsets are made of. Sometimes talent can be weaponized to predicate spite and intimidation. Nothing can serve your existence by being a victim to self-pity or envy. True success roots in the mind, grows through consistent actions, and discards the need for misfortune or luck.

Learning is task related and therefore, reasonably accessible. In that vein, learning becomes purposeful and fortified by experience. The common belief is that intelligence is a necessary factor for sophisticated ideas. Nothing could be further from the truth. Planning is the essential skill needed to acquire sophisticated ideas. The learning process is synonymous with experience gaining. Experiential learning pulls unit ideas from an event. It is related to intelligence. Intelligence can be seen as a set of unit ideas that constitute a knowledge system. One's intelligence can be increased if that person is reasonably in control of emotional faculties. It requires backwards projection, which envisions a final product and works backwards to an initial point. At its roots, experiential learning can be performed through project planning. As discussed before, self-learning extends your personal growth which is, in effect, a project. Let's look at how learning a new language can be made into a project for example. Although acquiring a language is an immense task, this can be broken down into learning to speak, learning to listen, learning to read, and learning to write. These task themselves can be further broken down into repeating common phrases daily, listening to foreign newscasts, adding ten new words each day, conversing, etc. The point is that the backward planning approach has to envision successful linguistic skills from a mental standpoint and travel backward in time to subdivide and identify the physical minitasks that compose successful language skills. To put this into an abstract concept, the learning process is the analytical breaking down of a large-scale task into a set of successive doable tasks over time. This is what makes self-learning accessible. If done consistently throughout one's endeavors, intelligence is gained by default through the process of experiential learning. As seen here, true intelligence is not a state; it is a living process: a replicable process for that matter. That which can be replicated, can be done by anyone. Envison new ideas you want to learn as a journey. Make it a project.

Failure is term that should be avoided in your process of self-growth. However, you should not avoid trying or guessing an solution. Failure only occurs when you conscientiously quit trying. Similar to a growth mindset, you should train yourself to be a solution-maker and not to be a solution-seeker. Try to postulate what may be wrong with your attempt and what observations do you see. Look for obstacles, missing or broken parts. Sometimes you have to think systematically. While guessing should be a last resort, it can provide possible insights to develop theories. You do not want to be hasty and generate a preconceived notion. This will tempt you to force a unapplicable strategy on a problem wasting unnecessary resources. Your aim is the make your solution fit the problem not vice versa. Poor results are not always a negative effect. On the contrary, playing or fiddling around your ideas strategically can be an informative approach to prototype a function. In the learning process, success should be a continuum of precision results working their way to more viable solutions.