The Power of Mindsets

Mindsets are valuable frames of mind that affect productivity and effiency. Do not confuse a positive attitude with a growth mindset. A mindset is a culture that one uses to evaluate self-potential to engage new tasks. Mindsets devulge intuitive pathways for completing task-related activities whereas, attitudes are purely emotional sentiments, wants, or aspirations. Having a strong and consistent growth mindset is what helps you to fulfill your goals. Things do not happen merely because you have a positive attitude or because you will them. Mindsets are volitional outlooks based on successful experience equipping you with more objectivity when you are engaging a task. When tackling your specific goals, you use the learning process to increase your competence which, in turn strengthens your mindset for future tasks. As task completion become more frequent, the confidence you have in completing future tasks facilitates a growth mindset. This is how the momentum for success is gained methodically. The opposite effect is what predicates failure with a fixed mindset. You have to develop with in yourself a culture of success so the best and consist way to do this is by experiential learning. Emotional control and discernment are necessary factors to maintain a growth mindset. The total effect of a consistent growth mindset leads to the health and welfare of personal confidence. Growth mindsets bring about a science to consistently achieve success.

Self-agency is an acquired habit based on consistent behavior. It is powered by consistently getting things done and facilitated by a growth mindset, not by naturally endowed qualities. Giftedness can lead you to be wishful for luck, privileged with success and over-dependent on talent. You must learn to be dismissive of cockiness. You do not deserve to be lucky, you deserve to be responsible. Talent is a tool, not a privilege. Use talent strategically and you will succeed exponentially. While luck can be a powerful multiplier, it can make you lazy and addicted to arbitrary success. It is best to avoid a culture of entitlement. It escapes responsibility and accountability for making mistakes. One of the toughest concepts in life to accept is that self-agency is a constantly earned process. It can be gained; and it can also be lost. The respect for the adventure for responsibility and experience is the hallmark of self-agency.

It is important in any endeavor that you start, moreover that you finish. Good intentions or wishful thinking are only good for reinforcing your cowardice. There is the old saying: Don't talk about it, be about it.